
What are Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)?

If you have landed on this website, chances are you are already considering the option of IUI or the Intrauterine Insemination. You might not be very clear about what is intrauterine insemination or how intrauterine insemination works. You might as well not be sure about the rate of success of intrauterine insemination and the risks that the intrauterine insemination involves. We have got everything covered for you and here you’ll be able to know all about IUI which will help you make your decision. Below you’ll find a complete definitive guide to IUI which would answer all your questions about intrauterine insemination.

What is IUI?

Intrauterine Insemination is a medical process of inseminating or placing the male sperms into a woman’s uterus in order to facilitate the process of fertilisation. This fertility treatment is used to ensure the reach of more number of sperms to the fallopian tubes than it usually happens naturally, so as to increase the probable chances of fertilisation. The motive behind IUI is to help the couples who aren’t able to conceive and facilitate them in the process of fertilisation by increasing the chances of fertilisation. It has helped a large number of people and has been proven to be one of the most reliable ways to conceive a child.

What is IUI used for?

Intrauterine insemination is used for facilitating the process of fertilisation in couples who suffer from infertility due to certain factors which may be unexplained. Sometimes it also suitable for the couples where the male is not able to ejaculate a sufficient number of healthy sperms during intercourse. It is also used in case a cervical mucus develops in the female and the sperms are not able to reach the fallopian tubes.

How does IUI work?

IUI involves a series of steps which the couple trying to get pregnant have to go through. The step by step process is explained below:

  • Prior Checkup: Before the IUI even begins, the female is subjected to a number of tests so as to make sure that the hormonal balance of the body is normal and also to check for any structural problems or infections.
  • Collection of Sperm and processing: The male partner is supposed to produce a specimen which is done at the clinic. The collected specimen is then taken to the lab and are separated or washed so as to get it concentrated into a small volume of motile sperms. This cleansing process also helps in the removal of toxic chemicals which are potentially dangerous and might cause reactions which may lead to infections in the uterus.
  • Pre-Insemination processing: The insemination of sperms is supposed to be carried out during the ovulation which sometimes is triggered by an injection of HCG. A blood test or a urine test kit can be used to get a clear understanding of the ovulation process and sometimes even an ultrasound test is also carried out to get a clearer picture.
  • Insemination of Sperms: It is a quick and easy process and doesn’t even involve any anaesthesia. A soft catheter is used and passed through a speculum to drop the semen specimen into the uterus during the ovulation process.

What are the risks of IUI?

Though intrauterine insemination is a completely painless process there have been reports of women who went through a slight discomfort. There are a few side effects of IUI which some women go through and it includes a feeling of nausea, hot flashes, mood swings and depression. There have been instances where women had developed rashes and swelling at the place where they were injected and some also suffered from swollen ovaries. Pelvic discomfort and tenderness in breasts were also visible side effects in some women.

How successful is IUI?

Intrauterine insemination is proven to be successful for many couples and has helped them conceive. As far as the risks that are involved is concerned, the women who went through a thorough checkup before going through the process reportedly have most likely seen fewer or no side effects at all. When it comes to the success rate of the IUI treatment from 10% to 20% were able to achieve pregnancy during the first cycle itself. It has been seen and reported that with an increase in the number of cycles a woman undergoes, the higher was the probability of achieving pregnancy. The probability increases to 80% for the women who undergo three to six cycles of IUI.

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