Menopause refers to the termination of the menstrual cycle in a woman. If a woman has not gone through the menstrual cycle in the last 12 months, she is considered to attain menopause. So, it’s understandable that the ovary of a menopausal woman cannot produce eggs. Naturally, the ovaries cannot reserve eggs for a longer period, after a certain time egg ruptures and come out of the body during periods along with blood. The age of menopause ranges from 40- to 55.
The reproductive age of a woman limits from the onset of the menstrual cycle till menopause. Although, the chances of conceiving and healthy pregnancy highly depend on the age of the woman. The age of the woman serves as the barrier to the chances of pregnancy. From the early 20s to the age of mid-30s, the chances of pregnancy are very high as the uterus of the female is very healthy, but after the age of 35, the uterus tends to become weak.
To attain pregnancy what are the basic requirements? Obviously, an egg and a sperm. Here the question arrives; can women get pregnant after menopause? The answer is; that although the possibility is very low this is not the end of the world. Medical science has developed a few highly successful technologies which can do miracles and make them happen.
Procedures of pregnancy after menopause:
- Opting for freezing the eggs at a younger age to use them later for pregnancy.
- Opting for using the donor eggs.
- Opting for the latest procedure of “ovarian rejuvenation”, although it’s still under study.
In the current scenario, freezing eggs is considered the most successful procedure for fertility preservation. Females can go for freezing their eggs at an early age and later use them when they want to conceive. The eggs extracted at an early age ensure a healthy quality and a higher possibility of pregnancy. Embryo freezing is a similar procedure in which both sperm and egg are frozen in the fertilized state and then it is transferred to the uterus of the female. Both of these procedures are performed via IVF (in vitro fertilization). Both of these procedures are proven efficient in pregnancy after menopause.
Many women face the issue of early ovarian failure which refers to the condition when the production of eggs through the ovaries stops at an early age of the woman or in some cases women are unable to conceive from eggs produced from their own ovary. In these conditions, the donor egg program can be chosen. The egg is received from a donor and then transplanted into the dummy woman through IVF.
Ovarian rejuvenation is a newly invented procedure. This process is still in the experimental phase. In this process, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used which is used in the blood of the woman who is undergoing this process. PRP is rich in growth factors that retrigger egg maturation and development. These eggs are considered to be efficient to fertilize with the sperm.
Advanced medical technologies have made postmenopausal pregnancy possible but pregnancy at late age can cause various medical conditions in the pregnant woman prepartum as well as postpartum. It is associated with a high risk of miscarriage and abortion.
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